Thanks to amazing silicone hydrogel contact lens technology and its supreme wearability, sleeping with your contacts in is now a very safe and normal practice for contact lens wearers. In the past, sleeping in your contact lenses could lead to risky consequences, but those days have long passed.
Category Archives: Contact Lenses
Your Ultimate Guide to Contact Lens Brands
If you are a first-time contact lens wearer, you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed by all of the contact lenses brands and available options. But don’t fret – here is our quick and easy guide to help you understand the breakdown of major contact lens manufacturers and the best contact lens brands out there.
Silicone Hydrogel Lenses
Arguably the main pre-occupation of contact lens developers over the years has been increasing oxygen permeability. If worn for an extended period of time, traditional contact lenses deprive the cornea of much-needed oxygen.
How To Buy Contact Lenses Online
Buying contact lenses online is not only more convenient than heading into a store, but also it’s often cheaper! As more and more of us are self-isolating to curb the spread of coronavirus, it’s a perfect opportunity to learn how to buy your contact lenses online. In this short guide we will show you how you can easily buy contact lenses online from home. Discover daily, weekly and monthly contact lenses at SmartBuyGlasses from brands including Acuvue, Air Optix, Dailies and more.
How To Put Your Contact Lenses In
Contact lenses are a perfect option for those times when glasses just get in the way. They are ideal for athletic sports and also fix the problem of switching between glasses and sunglasses when you are outdoors.
How To: Clean Your Contact Lenses
Some prefer to use a hydrogen peroxide contact lens solution to clean their contacts. An upside to hydrogen peroxide contact lens solutions is that they offer complete disinfecting of lenses which can help fight off bacterias and the coronavirus.