At any stage in life, you can develop refractive errors that blur or distort your eyesight. One of these eye conditions is farsightedness, otherwise known as hyperopia.
Category Archives: Eye Care
What Is Anisometropia?
The definition of anisometropia, more commonly known as vision imbalance, is a condition where your eyes have varying refractive power.
How a Pair of Glasses Could Help Migraine Headaches
Migraine and tension headaches are known to cause sensory discomfort for many patients, which often affects vision and eye comfort. Luckily different lenses can help reduce tension headaches.
Strabismus, or crossed eyes, is a condition where one of your eyes is misaligned – i.e. it looks in the wrong direction.
Digital Eye Strain
How to Recognise and Prevent Digital Eye Strain If you’re using digital screens for long periods of time, you could be suffering from digital eye strain. Learn what the symptoms are and how you can avoid them. There’s no denying that our world is shifting to even more screen time with our access to TV, …
Seasonal Allergies
Seasonal allergies, also known as “hay fever,” are allergies that pop up during certain times of the year, usually due to increased amounts of pollen in the air.
Eye Problems
Most people suffer from eye problems at some point in their lives. Some of the symptoms are minor and will go away independently, while others are simple to treat at home.
6 Tips to Improve Your Eye Health
Our eyes are perhaps one of our body’s most complex and essential organs. They allow us to see the world by taking in light and sending signals to our brains.
Everything You Need to Know About What Causes Bloodshot Eyes
Do you have sore, irritated, red eyes? Bloodshot eyes, also known as red eyes, can often look worse than they feel and usually go away on their own.
What Is Thyroid Eye Disease?
Thyroid eye disease is a rare disease characterized by progressive inflammation and damage to tissues around the eyes, especially extraocular muscle, connective, and fatty tissue.