Macular degeneration or age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a common condition which usually happens to people in their 50’s and 60’s. Age-related macular degeneration causes deterioration of the central area of the retina of the eyes.
Category Archives: Optical Centre
Should I Wear Blue Light Glasses When Watching TV and Using My Phone?
By now, with all the hype surrounding blue light glasses, we should all know the benefits of wearing them. Thanks to their lenses, they can help to reduce things like headaches and allow you to sleep better at night.
Do Computer Blue Light Glasses Work?
Computer glasses differ from traditional eyeglasses or reading glasses in a few ways to optimize your eyesight when viewing your computer screen.
Everything You Need to Know About Blue Light
Optometrists are receiving complaints from growing numbers of patients concerned with about digital eye strain. Symptoms include dry eyes, dizziness, headaches, blurred vision and insomnia.
Nearsighted glasses have single vision lenses and are designed to treat nearsightedness (myopia) and in some cases farsightedness (hyperopia).
Can I Order Lenses with Prism Correction?
Prism correction is a necessary component of some prescriptions lenses designed to avoid problems with double vision.
Reflective Sunglasses – Fashion Meets Function
Reflective sunglasses feature a reflective optical coating, sometimes called a flash coating or mirror coating, on the outside of the lens.
Photochromic Lenses – Lenses That Change Colour
Transition lenses, also known as photochromic lenses, react when in direct contact with UV light and offer a great alternative to switching between glasses and prescription sunglasses.
Dominant Eye Test
At some point, you may have heard the terms “dominant eye” or “ocular dominance,” but what exactly do they mean, and how can you determine your dominant eye? A dominant eye doesn’t mean better vision but rather guiding the other better because of preference.
Is It Safe To Sleep With Contact Lenses?
Thanks to amazing silicone hydrogel contact lens technology and its supreme wearability, sleeping with your contacts in is now a very safe and normal practice for contact lens wearers. In the past, sleeping in your contact lenses could lead to risky consequences, but those days have long passed.